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Meeting Inspire Q3 2020

Meeting Inspire Q3 2020

MEETING INSPIRE Q3 2020              M&C PEI eNews September 2020 Over the last few months, the waves of uncertainty in the Business Events industry have been at times so large they have overcome us and other times we think we are able to paddle through them. When...
Meeting Inspire Q2 2020

Meeting Inspire Q2 2020

SPRING has SPRUNG!  Susan Freeman, Executive Director   M&C PEI eNews April 2020 We are starting to see the signs of spring on PEI, warmer temperatures, the ice and snow disappearing from our beaches and you get that feeling of excitement for a new season to...

M&CPEI Meeting Inspire – Q1 2020

February 2020 OTTAWA in JANUARY 2020 started off at a race pace! Treena and Margaret headed to Ottawa for a handful of the industries’ premier events. Destination Direct a hosted buyers program, Tête à Tête a Canadian Society of Association Executives (CSAE)...