South Shore Chamber of Commerce

Our South Shore Chamber of Commerce is a 100% volunteer, non-profit organization of business owners, professionals and individuals with a keen interest in the economic viability and well-being of the communities within our mandate.
We serve a membership that extends from Borden Carleton and Confederation Bridge to the west to Cornwall in the east and as far north as the Kinkora Road (Rte 225).

Bisected by the TransCanada Highway, our South Shore is one of the most stunningly beautiful sections of Prince Edward Island.
It encompasses prime agricultural land, small picturesque fishing harbours, lighthouses and many tourist attractions – plus the scores of small businesses that are vital to our year-round economy.

As Scott Dawson, our past President, has stated often: “The strength of our Chamber lies not only in its numbers but in the dedication and diverse interests of the individuals who are involved.”

As a member of The South Shore Chamber of Commerce, you have a chance to speak up! Through Chambers of Commerce, governments listen.
We are also a member of the PEI and Atlantic Chambers of Commerce.
Your opinions will be heard.