
M&C PEI Meeting Inspire – Q4 2018

Siobhan White

/ 9 min read

September FAM tour

Becoming “FAMiliar” with PEI

For those of you who have never had the opportunity to partake, FAM trips are a way for professional meeting planners to familiarize themselves with a destination and determine if it is a good fit for a future meeting or event. At Meetings and Conventions PEI, we host a number of FAM trips throughout the year – usually with great success in landing future events.  With so many great members, we put a lot of thought into what venues and activities to incorporate into the FAM.  And each aspect of each FAM is planned down to the finest detail.

Ultimately, our goal is to deepen the meeting and event planners’ understanding of the Island and what it has to offer their organization and delegates.  We plan activities which delight our “guests” and pique their interest in taking their conference and convention here.  We are also cognizant of the needs and interests of the planner for their specific meeting and ensure they are reflected in the FAM schedule.

FAMs can be just one or two people or a large group. Our group FAM tours have brought 18 meeting planners to the island this year. Together they have the potential to bring more than 3000 delegates to the island which would translate to over $3.5 million to the PEI economy.

Our July FAM showcased much of the islands central, and eastern points whereas the September FAM was focused on Summerside and Western. While considerable time and effort go into these marketing initiatives, it is well worth it when the meeting planners and their delegates arrive on our Island for their meeting or convention.

What attendees said about the experience:

  “Thank you M&CPEI & Partners for your gracious hospitality on my recent trip to PEI!!!! I absolutely enjoyed meeting everyone and seeing your amazing island. Now, I understand why PEI is the hottest destination currently in Canada. You are all so warm, everyone seems to be related, and really understand hospitality. Until soon PEI…”

Nalina Wiliams
Managing Director
Platinum Hospitality Group

“Participating in the PEI fam was the best way to discover the warmth and East Coast hospitality. There are so many options for meetings and incentives on the island. I can’t wait to bring a group to PEI!”

Esther Weber
Associate Project Manager

“PEI extends a warm welcome to all visitors. Restaurants expertly showcase wonderful locally-sourced food in relaxed surroundings. The pride Islanders rightly have about their special place shines through.”

Niamh McGarry
Executive Director
Canadian ADHD Resource Alliance

Continued Growth

Meetings and Conventions PEI are midway through our year and are on pace to end this calendar year with continued growth in overall meetings business for PEI 2018.  This is really great news!  This is no doubt the result of three key drivers:  partnering and the excellence of tourism operators to showcase and deliver great meeting experiences, our capable team and having marketing/ sales resources to facilitate a great work plan.

Rebecca Alexander

We will maintain our strong work plan as we engage meetings for 2018, 2019 and beyond. After four years, we are saying goodbye to our remote seller Rebecca Alexander who has been instrumental in establishing an enhanced presence for M&CPEI on the National Stage and in new markets. We are deeply grateful to Rebecca for her good work with our organization and wish her the very best in her future endeavours. We will be recognizing Rebecca’s contribution within a future activity of M&CPEI.

On the rise

The Island’s meetings and conventions numbers are up in 2018.  Compared to 2017, end-of-September meeting statistics are up 13%.  Plus, delegate numbers are up 10% over end of September last year – topping close to 20,000.  The direct economic spinoff of these events and visitors – from January to September – is more over $22 million.

As our Executive Director, Ann Worth, says:  “Meetings and conventions are a year-round business and provide an incredible influx of economic benefit to so many communities and businesses in PEI. It is the foundation for year-round employment in many business operations across the province and we are delighted to see continued growth in this sector. Aside from economic benefits, we are ecstatic to have so many delegates experience our Island setting.”

New Members

In the past few months Membership has increased and we welcome these new members to Meetings & Conventions PEI:



Yoga, you say! 

One of our newest members, Island Hill Farm, puts on a very interesting yoga class – with goat and bunny classmates. What a way to start the morning –with love, light and laughter. If you ever get a chance, give it a try!


Insight Event & Annual General Meeting

Join Meetings & Conventions PEI for an informative afternoon filled with insights and new learning. Our Insight Event has been designed with a single goal in mind.  Respect people’s time and deliver valued, practical information our members can use.

Insight Event theme:

The Customer Perspective

In all aspects of the work we do in tourism, whether it be marketing, selling, operations or regulatory, the customer is front and centre in our hearts and minds.

We live this every day at Meetings and Conventions PEI.  Understanding our meeting planning clients and their needs and how we, as a destination marketing organization, can partner to drive and attract meetings and conventions is an ongoing process.

The Insight Event will deliver a broad cross-section of perspectives from some of our industry’s finest participants; including the public and private sector, from well-established to start up.

Relevant topics and updates will be explored and discussed.  The afternoon will cumulate with an industry networking exhibitor event showcasing local food and beverage amidst our event partners.


Register for the INSIGHT EVENT by clicking HERE

Annual M&CPEI Supplier Showcase

Meetings & Conventions PEI is excited to be hosting our annual Supplier Showcase. This tradeshow gives our members the opportunity to showcase products and services first hand to local meeting planners. Over 900 invitations will be sent from our database representing local meeting planners from all markets including corporate, government, association, etc. These Local Champions are planners who have influence to invite an organization to choose PEI as a meeting destination.

November 13, 2018
11:30 am – 1:00 pm
PEI Convention Centre / Delta Prince Edward by Marriott
Booths are available now!
Register for a booth at the Supplier Showcase HERE

Deadline for Booth registration is October 19, 2018
Booth space will be allocated on a first- come first- served basis and is limited, so please register early! 

Come to the Town Hall

You are invited! Our colleagues at TIAPEI are hosting a Town Hall Series on October 25th. Please join representatives from national tourism organizations – Tourism Industry Association of Canada, the Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada, and Destination Canada – along with local tourism stakeholders and federal, provincial and municipal government representatives for a panel discussion on important issues facing our industry. To register for this free event, please click the photo above or HERE to register or call (902) 566-5008.


Out and About – Selling our Island

Canadian Meetings and Events Expo

We were very proud to be selling the Island as THE best place to have meetings at the Canadian Meetings and Events Expo (formerly IncentiveWorks) in August.  We were accompanied by members Rodd Hotels & Resorts and Delta Prince Edward by Marriott.

Why do YOU stay in Atlantic Canada?

That’s one of the questions asked at Atlantic Business Magazine’s second annual #thinkBIG regional thought leadership workshops.  The Island event was held at the Confederation Centre of the Arts on September 18.  Our Executive Director, Ann Worth, was thrilled to be one of the speakers at this event.  Participants’ thoughts on what’s working and what’s holding us back—along with their innovative suggestions for unlocking the region’s growth potential—will be the focus of the January 2019 edition of Atlantic Business Magazine. Organizers were wow’d with their accommodations at Sydney Boutique Inn & Suites

Construction Association of PEI Golf Tournament

Networking on the Links

The summer is Golf season and we followed our clients to the greens! This summer saw our Business Development Managers networking with golfers. Rebecca was on site helping planners unwind at the 10th annual Site Canada golf tournament. Treena, Margaret and Susan attended the Greater Charlottetown Chamber of Commerce annual golf tournament as well as the PEI Construction Association Golf Tournament at our member Glasgow Hills Resort and Golf Club.

Local Champion Presentations

Treena and Susan invited University of Prince Edward Island staff to a presentation about our Local Champion Program. The program encourages Islanders not to go off-Island for their next meeting, but be a LOCAL CHAMPION and host it on PEI. The presentation was held in the Schurman Market Square in MacDougall Hall! and all employees were encouraged to attend.

Treena MacLeod – Summer Summit Program

CSAE Summer Summit

Treena MacLeod ably represented our organization at the Canadian Society of Association Executives Summer Summit, held on July 11 in London, ON.  This two-day professional development and networking conference is created by association executives FOR association executives. It is a must-attend event for association leaders and is an ideal learning opportunity for senior association and emerging leaders to strengthen and develop their leadership and management skills. The agenda is relevant to those who are looking for new ways of thinking and new ideas to sustain and grow their associations. Treena was able to connect with many who make decisions on where to hold their next associations National Conference or Annual General Meeting.


Member Accolades

Congratulations to all our members featured and honoured in the past few months!

Congratulations, Coach Atlantic Group,
on your amazing cover piece in Busline Magazine.

Cavendish Beach Music Festival received the
2018 Country Festival, Fair or Exhibition of the Year
at the Canadian Country Music Awards


Many M&CPEI members were nominated for the
PEI Business Excellence Awards

The College of Piping and Celtic Performing Arts of Canada was nominated in the Community Impact category and
the College’s Special Events Coordinator, Sue McGiveron, was nominated for Employee of the Year.  Well deserved!

Also nominated in the Community Impact category is our member MRSB Group
Also nominated or Employee of the Year was Steve Dunn with Slemon Park Corporation


The Table on Amazing Race Canada
P.E.I. was featured as part of the popular television series.
Along with many stops on the Island was The Table Culinary Studio
where contestants had to unscramble the words in a list of dishes and then serve
them to guests before racing off to their next destination.

Our members did well in the Canadian Tourism Awards with finalists in two categories:
Ian Cheverie, The Great George Hotel, for Tourism HR Tourism Employee of the Year, and
Target Tours Atlantic for Worldwide Small or Medium-Sized Business of the Year Award.
Winners will be announced at the 2018 Canadian Tourism Awards Ceremony /
Cérémonie pour les Grands prix du tourisme canadien 2018 on November 28.


Greater Charlottetown Area Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence awards
Excellence in Business Award – Cavendish Beach Music Festival organized by our members Whitecap Entertainment
Workplace Excellence Award – Target Tours Atlantic
Excellence in Customer Service Award – The Holman Grand Hotel & The Great George
Not-For-Profit Excellence Award – The Guild



Feedback from planners is essential and along with written testimonials. Rose and Mary-Helen have been busy capturing video of some interesting conferences that have been held this year.

Prince Edward Island recently hosted the Atlantic Recreation & Facilities Conference + Tradeshow as well as the Canadian Recreation Facilities Council at Rodd Charlottetown, The Hotel on PownalUniversity of Prince Edward Island and Confederation Centre of the Arts. Organizer Beth Grant from ParaSport and Recreation PEI said delegates were wowed! She gave us a taste of what the multi-day event was like. Delegates experienced everything from a night at Dalvay by the Sea, to events at John Brown Richmond St Grille, and The Alley culminating in a closing night at Peakes Quay Restaurant & Bar.

We were also excited to host the 55th annual Canadian Culinary Federation right here on Canada’s Food Island!
With a full agenda, delegates were given a true taste of the Island experience, hospitality and excellence within our culinary sector.

Meeting planner Sue Mercer hosted meetings, workshops, receptions etc using multiple spaces like Delta Prince Edward by Marriott Prince Edward and The Culinary Institute of Canada to diverse events like tours with Coach Atlantic Group, and events at PEI Brewing Company

Check out this video and hear first-hand Sues thoughts on hosting the conference on PEI and the resources she used through Meetings & Conventions PEI.

For available event and e-News sponsorship/ partnership opportunities contact
Ann Worth
aworth@peimc.com | 902.629.1655